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 Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules.

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Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. I_vote_lcap0%Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. I_vote_lcap0%Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. I_vote_lcap100%Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. I_vote_rcap
 100% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 1
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Posts : 50
Points : 138
Join date : 2009-09-11

Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. Empty
PostSubject: Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules.   Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules. Icon_minitimeSun Sep 13, 2009 1:01 am

Please be reminded for the following rules

1. Go DOoDLERs are expecting to have at least 12 pt. for their font size.
Users that will not comprehend to the rule will be automatically ban for both CBOX and this site. Banning of users will be applicable only after the Third warning given by the MODS and ADMINS. Ban Duration day : 1 day

2. Unnecessary posts, offensive wordings and other vulgar scenes on this site and in CBOX will be automatically banned without prior notice/warning. Ban Duration day : 2 days

3. Admins and mods will not tolerate pornographic photos and sexy avatars that will contain nudity. This will be subject for banning. Banning of users will be applicable only after the Third warning given by the MODS and ADMINS. Ban Duration day : 1 day

4. Flooding, smileys abuse, banner abuse and other abuse that will mislead to the users will be banned automatically without prior notice. Ban Duration day : 1 month

5. Posting of your email addresses and YMs will applicable only once asked. Users that will violate this rule will be subject for banning. Banning of users will be applicable only after the Third warning given by the MODS and ADMINS. Only Admins and Mods are allowed to post their emails and YMs.Ban Duration day : 1 day

6. Users should follow the MODS and ADMINS of the site. You will be given a warnings once you violated this rule. Banning of users will be applicable only after the Third warning given by the MODS and ADMINS. Ban Duration day : 1 day

7. Advertising of other CBOX sites is strictly prohibited. You will be ban automatically without prior notice.

8. You can share you numbers to other users but please be reminded that this site is not responsible for giving out your personal information.

9. De Mod / De Admin will be subject for approval. This process will have a voting system. For DE-Moding, Admins and Mods can participate this event while in DE-Admin, only ADMINS are allowed to particiapate on this.

10.The official Go DOoDLEs site are https://godoodles.forumotion.com and http://godoodles.ning.com.

11. Respect the rules for you to avoid any further actions
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Go DOoDLERs please be reminded to our rules.
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