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 Clippers plan to give Davis room to run

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Clippers plan to give Davis room to run Empty
PostSubject: Clippers plan to give Davis room to run   Clippers plan to give Davis room to run Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 11:04 pm

When Mike Dunleavy stepped down as the Los Angeles Clippers’ coach last week, Baron Davis(notes)
lost his last excuse. If Davis doesn’t regain his All-Star form – if
the Clippers don’t start winning – no longer can people simply blame it
on Dunleavy’s controlling style. With interim coach Kim Hughes
promising to run more, Davis is free again. And with that comes

“I got to go out and get back to being my old self now,” Davis told
Yahoo! Sports. “Coach Kim is going to allow me to be a little bit freer
and play off instincts. So, I just got to get back to that mentality.
From there, I think everything else will take care of itself.”

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